Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Friday, January 14, 2011


I'm stucking my eyes ball on this white screen LCD. Try to start on a new word in this 15th of January. My first post on January month after 2 week i'm kept my back silent. With dizzy head, sleepy eyes after stay awake without doing nothing, i still wanna keep on knocking this keyboard. Keep on thinking with countless times. Thinking..thinking and thinking. Thinking a lot of thing that happen in these present day and planning for the future. But now, i think i need to change. Change to become new person. Not fully but half of it. At the moment, i really don't know what i'm doing. About 2 week, i'm out of focussed when i starting to know person who are different from me. I wanna change them but unfortunately, i'm the one who being change. They not changing me but i'm the one who kept wanna know about them. Now i'm feel that i'm been part of them. Some sort of it. i'm feel so pity of them. They been cheated by someone that they love, been throw away  and addicted with some useless thing for the time being. And me..I don't want to be like them. I just would like them to be someone different from themselves. Have a happy life..Stop living like shit..That all. But now, i melt with the flow. So i need to change myself first right now. Done and full stop!
