Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Friday, March 4, 2011


Susahnya nak memahami hati orangkan..nak menceriakan hati orang walaupun hati sendiri tengah menangis dari dalam. Terluka disebabkan oleh kata-kata tajam. Ya, aku tahu dia tak perasan. Dan maybe buat-buat tak perasan. His is to fragile. Kadang-kadang apa yang aku cakap, dia sangkalkan. Dia cakap aku tak faham. He not ok when he said his ok. Berpura-pura supaya aku tak risaukan dia. Dia terlalu mengikut kata hati and emosional. Dan disebabkan salah faham yang kecik pun boleh buat kami bergaduh. Maybe silap aku tak faham apa yang dia katakan. Kata-kata dia buatkan aku jadi tak ada idea untuk bersembang lagi. Tiap kali aku bercakap, tiap kali kata-kata aku kena sangkal. Katanya, aku tak faham ape yang ditanya. I dont understand you my friend. You are so complicated. Very-very complicated. So fragile for me to hold you with care in my hand. I dont know what to do when yuo were sad like that. You make me cry without you noticing it. I wanna make you happy my friend but i dont know how my dear friend. My friend, dont make your life become so dull and gloomy because of the person who you love before this. Please love yourself more then that fucking idiot who left you. She doesnt knew how nice person you are. You are to kind to be hurt by anyone else.

p/s: this song make me wanna cry..shit!!