Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Thursday, December 1, 2011

당신 사랑해 = あなた 愛してる = i love u

My Princess OST Taru - Kasio

What about today?
When it was hard, lean & rest on me
Well, I miss you
Whenever the time is, call & contact me

We comfort each other, with the sincere tone and
Just like eternity, with the warm voice
And then that were remaining many happy things 
So that believe in them, the mind's resting place

When you had a story,
Tell me & I will listen to you
As always beside me, as always next to me I'll fight with you
Cheer up!

We comfort each other, with the sincere tone and
Just like eternity, with the warm voice
And then that were remaining many happy things 
So that believe in them, the mind's resting place

We comfort each other, with the sincere tone and
Just like eternity, with the warm voice
And then that were remaining many happy things 
So that believe in them, the mind's resting place
You who was missing, you who can't breath
Your warm, faith & happiness
Joy & hope, love & hope
From now on, will be together with me

And then that were remaining many happy things 
So that believe in them, the mind's resting place

>> before and always like that until now..the process that I heart you..and that is how the relationship is start working 'til now..